
Audio Transfer Services

Seeing old movies and videos of your loved ones is special. Hearing those beloved voices from the past is a treasure! If you have treasured memories on audio cassettes, old homemade vinyl records, quarter-inch audiotape, or even early wire recordings from the ’30s and ’40s then we have good news!

We can transfer all of these formats to Gold Archival CDs and/or audio computer file formats where they’ll be kept safe and sound for years to come.

We’ve been transferring audio for a long time! When you bring yours in we guarantee your project will be handled with:

  • The best care – Your old audio formats are delicate. We know what they mean to you. We will treat them with kid gloves.
  • The best equipment – We make it our business to find and maintain the right equipment for the best job.
  • The best media – Our Gold Archival CDs are scratch-proof and rated to last 25+ years.

You’ve found the right place! Skylands Video Services has the experience, the technology, and the concern to make the best audio transfers for you and your audio programs.